Wednesday, August 18, 2010

FUN DAY @ Museum

Members of Genesis Youth enjoyed a day at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History:

Genesis Youth sporting some super-cool 4-D glasses.

According to Dr. Giraffe, Carren is 5-foot-2......and that made her very happy!

Watch out! Here comes Courtney and Carren in the am-bu-lance!

awwww.....Dulce Jr. and Nicole are cute in their 4-D glasses!!!

Emily and Kaitlyn are posin' with their Dino Friends: Dynamo and Barney

Six members of Genesis Youth can stand in one dinosaur's footprint - AMAZING!

Matthew decided to lounge in the dinosaur's looks like a mini soaking tub!

Very cool exhibit at FWMSH.....and Leonardo was amazing.

Leonardo da Vinci's self-portrait

Leonardo da Vinci - inventor of the catapult

Conceputualized helicopters.....

....invented parachutes

pulley systems....

....pool floaties

and water skis!

This is called a "water tube" and it looks VERY uncomfortable.....but Leo was going for something that would allow a person to breath underwater - he succeeded with this. The man was GENIUS!!!!

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