Monday, August 16, 2010

Youth Sunday 2010

Senior High Mission Team - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Junior High Mission Team - Edna, Texas

Genesis Youth hosted Youth Sunday at First UMC Joshua on August 15. They performed at both worship services (8:30 and 11:00 am) and did an incredible job. The songs were great, the children's time was fun, and the speakers provided a spiritual experience like none other. Many congregation members complimented Genesis Youth Group on their work - - GREAT JOB, Genesis Youth!!!!!!!

The "young" children of First Joshua learned the "Llama Song" during children's time. It was a big hit and even the adults joined the fun. Five youth spoke during the worship services and did an AMAZING job.

K.F. spoke on her experience with Miss Patsy, her client with MS, that left an imprint on her heart that will forever impact her spiritual walk and faith.

C.P. invited more youth to participate in the group's activities and encouraged everyone to step outside their comfort zones to experience new opportunities.

C.W. said this mission trip was his favorite because he really felt the Holy Spirit living and working through Him to accomplish unbelievable things on mission trip, as well as other church activities.

A.M. spoke about his trust and faith in God (everything is possible through Jesus Christ) and goals can be accomplished when everyone works together.

C.F. spoke about her love and appreciation to First UMC Joshua and members of Genesis Youth Group. She most enjoys the time of fellowship with her friends and growing in relationship with God. C.F. also reminded everyone that Genesis Youth will begin a study on "The Organic God," a book by Margaret Feinberg, next week.

Genesis Youth responded to God's call to serve and love others in the name of Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter if we attend mission trip or volunteer at Vacation Bible School, we are all in mission and ministry together for the transformation of the world. We are all important to God's kingdom; and, we are each a thread in His tapestry.

Whatever kind of action we do in God's name, it is action filled with love and His spirit. Those actions are all verbs and we are all challenged to incorporate more action (verbs) into our daily lives. As a reminder, Genesis Youth will display verbs associated with God in their meeting room........inspired by Margaret Feinberg and "The Organic God."

1 comment:

Leif said...

Sounds like a great time Sunday! We'd love to get a picture of your group going through the Organic God (and a picture of the verbs you come up with) so email it to us at Jessica at margaretfeinberg dot com if you get a chance.

Thanks so much.