Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's your WORTH?

Tonight we talked about self-worth and the importance of rejoicing in the special, unique, and blessed individual that God created you to be. We learned that there was nothing Jesus could do or become to please the people in His society. Despite what anyone said about Him, Jesus understood His true identity. This dignity came from what He was worth to God, not what He was worth in society.

At some point in life, we all find out that we are not rich enough or smart enough or poised enough or short-or-tall-or-thin-or-fat-or-dark-or-light enough to measure up to everyone's standards....Beyond what anyone else can ever think or say about us, we have an awesome identity with the King of the Universe!

I read this at tonight's youth meeting but I want you to read it again and really study the words and ponder their meaning: If you had been the only human being alive, God would still have sacrificed Jesus just so that you could be given the opportunity to choose to have relationship with Him...Your true identity comes from what you are worth to God, not what you are worth to society. In God's eyes you have incredible dignity and value - and no one else's opinion matters at all!

  1. What does this mean to you? What are you worth to God?
  2. How does your self-worth change knowing that God would have still sacrificed Jesus even if you were the only human alive?
  3. How should being a child of God affect the way we live our lives? Why should it affect our lifestyle?
Post your comments here!!!

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